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Selectmen's Minutes January 21, 1997
          Minutes of January 21, 1997 Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen Present: Judith Murdoch; Charles Flynn; Peter Jones and
Catherine Kuchinski, Chair and Clerk of the Board.

I. Open: Kuchinski called the meeting to order at 7:31m.

II. Announcements:  This weekend included several events worthy
of mention:  Martin Luther King Day - Holiday yesterday was
celebrated to honor this great civil rights activist who put his
dreams of equality into words and then into action for all of us
to follow on the road to understanding and justice.   This same
day our country celebrated the second term inauguration of
President Clinton and Vice-President Gore.  Let us all hope that
his inaugural address message for bi-partisan cooperation towards
solving outstanding issues will be heard.  The death of Paul
Tsongas: Our state and our nation lost a great individual to the
ravages of cancer.  Paul Tsongas served Massachusetts well as the
junior senator and his views on politics for the common man will
be sorely missed. Please join us in a moment of silence for the
passing of Senator Paul Tsongas.    Kuchinski also noted that the
Trustees of Memorial Field requested that the $50,000 grant be
signed by the Chair of the Board of Selectmen.  So done.

III. Eagle Scout Michael Means - Michael joined us tonight to be
recognized for the fine upstanding young man he is.  He has
obtained the rank of Eagle Scout through excellent service to his
community. Kuchinski had attended his Eagle Court of Honor, and
as is the Board's custom, Michael was invited to this meeting to
receive the congratulations of the entire Board and to be
commended to the citizens of Hanson through cable.  Michael
accepted our congratulations and explained his Eagle project
which was the clean-up and repair of three old cemeteries.  His
mother and grandparents were proudly looking on as the Selectmen
re-presented Michael with his framed citation.

IV. Change of Manager - American Legion Post #226: Also
attending: Charles Gilbert; Joseph Marsden and John Boyden
The Board of Selectmen has received a Petition for License
Transaction to change the Manager on the license for the Post.
Said petition is signed several members of the Post's Executive
Board and dated January 7, 1997.   There is no requirement for a
noticed public hearing on this matter so it was opened for
questions or comments.  Marsden presented Board with official
Post vote for the change in managership.  Motion 1/21/97.1: move
that the Board of Selectmen approve the request to change the
manager at Hanson American Legion Post #226 to be in the name of
Charles G. Gilbert of 860 East Washington Street.  Motion made by
Flynn with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.   The Legion
will assist any town group with projects and welcome contact.  

V. Town Report Bids: advertisement was placed in the Enterprise
for bids to print the annual town report. Bid was mailed to four
firms.  Only one bid received for 800 copies of 75 pages in 8 1/2
x 11" format from Ron Little at Fairmount Printing of Rockland.
His bid is $27.64 per page.  Motion 1/21/97.2: move that the
Board of Selectmen approve the $27.64 price bid for the Town
Report project as outlined in specifications and as submitted by
Ron Little of Fairmount Printing, Inc. of Rockland.  Motion made
by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  Kuchinski
requesting artist rendition for the Factory Pond submission.
Final decision on the cover to be made at the next meeting.   

VI. Set the Time for May 17th Annual Election at Maquan
Cafetorium. Town Clerk suggested hours of 10AM to 7pm. Motion
1/21/97.3: move that the Board of Selectmen set the hours as 10AM
until 7PM at the Maquan Cafetorium for the May 17, 1997 Annual
Town Elections.  Motion made by Flynn with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

VII. Appointment - Parks and Fields Committee: Motion 1/21/97.4:
move to appoint Richard Harris of Main Street and Highway
Surveyor to the Parks and Fields Committee for a term to expire
June 30, 1997.   Motion by Murdoch with second by Jones. Motion
carried 4-0.

VIII. Chief Russell King for lieutenant discussion; sign
memorandums with police department union: (1) Chief apprised
Board members that memorandum regarding Michelle Hughes was
prepared and that the duties she would be performing would be
administrative police related matters to assist in clearing
backlog of cases, updating office systems under the direction of
the Chief during the remaining months of her pregnancy.  Motion
1/21/97.5: move that the Board of Selectmen approve and sign
Memorandum of Agreement already signed by the Union and Michelle
Melia Hughes.  Motion made by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion
carried 4-0.  (2) Sergeant's exam memo: Chief announced this
agreement not yet ready for presentation.   (3) Lieutenant
Position: Chief reviewed assessment process for the position of
lieutenant and then recommended that Sgt. Philmore Willey be
appointed as department lieutenant based on his performance at
the assessment center and on his 25 years of experience. Jones
complimented both candidates for going through the process.
Motion 1/21/97.6: move that the Board of Selectmen appoint
Philmore Willey as Lieutenant in the Hanson Police Department
effective immediately.   Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  

Chair declared a 5 minute recess for Chief to call Sgt. Willey in
to Town Hall for swearing in ceremony.  Upon his arrival the
chair declared the meeting back in session and Town Clerk Sandra
Harris swore Philmore Willey in as Lieutenant whereupon he
received the congratulations of the Board.  

IX. Conservation Commission: although requested not to attend
this evening, several members attended to strongly voiced their
displeasure with the Board that the Water Department has not
filed a Notice of Intent with the Commission for work already
done in the bufferzone for the placement of a well already driven
and for supposed upcoming work desired to be done by the Water
Department for well drilling on the property once known as the
Burne property.  John Aiello and William Woodward both stated
that assistance has not been sought from Town counsel by the
Commission.  Murdoch agreed with that statement from Selectmen
table.  She and other selectmen do not want to address the issue
of the Water Department's request for Special Counsel until the
Water Department's written reasoning behind this matter has been
submitted to the Board of Selectmen in order for the Board to
attempt to mediate this matter in order to avoid legal costs.

X. Executive Secretary Report:  none this evening - on vacation.

XI. Selectmen Reports and Action Requests: Lieutenant Contract
Negotiating Team:  Motion 1/21/97.7: move to appoint Jones and
Murdoch as the Selectmen negotiators for lieutenant's contract.
Motion made by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.

Board members agreed to cancel the meeting scheduled for 2/4/97.

Kuchinski reported on attendance at the MMA meeting including the
question on County government abolishment.  She will prepare
memos on a few of the sessions she was able to attend.  Her
reports included updates on Street Acceptance Committee, Street
Lighting Committee: the committee's recommendations will be
placed on next week's agenda for action, and Emergency
Communications Center Management Committee noting with the Chief
earlier this evening that there appears to be a letter
forthcoming from the Union rep that no E911 impact bargaining
will be necessary.   Flynn updated the Board on the recent
activities on the PK-8 Building Committee. Jones requested that a
memo to sent to the Water Department under the Chair's signature
to assure the Water Commissioners that no counsel is involved and
before action could be taken on their request for Special Counsel
they submit material so that the Selectmen could attempt to
understand all sides and mediate the situation.  Kuchinski noted
upcoming meetings she'll be attending: Water Department with the
Treasurer/Collector on billing, Street Acceptance, Alternative
Sewerage Study Committee, and Open Space.

XII. Adjournment:  Motion 1/21/97.8: move to adjourn.  Motion
made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:12pm.